Sunday, May 5, 2013

How to Stream Videos to Multiple Devices ? Internet

How to Stream Videos to Multiple Devices

Video encoding is a conversion process a video needs to go through in order to be streamed correctly on the web. This process is undertaken to ensure that any video played online, is formatted correctly to ensure optimal streaming on specific devices ? whether it be through a smartphone, iPad, mobile application or sent via email.

Video encoding is an essential process on the path towards video sharing.

By utilising a video hosting, encoding and streaming platform you ensure that you hold the copyright to your content and remove the need to host it on a third party site where you in fact do not have ownership of your own content, such as YouTube.

Why Encode?

A compelling reason to use a video encoding platform is that it helps drive conversion rates. The software allows users to add a ?call to action? at the end of the video, so after it has been viewed in its entirety the user is then prompted to complete a task that helps drive conversion.

Outsourcing the encoding service to a video sharing specialist provider is a cost effective and efficient solution; freeing up the business?s or developers time to focus on matters central to their core business.


Step 1:

Select a video encoding platform solution. Look for a service that is cost effective and includes some free live testing. Another feature to look for is that when the video is uploaded, encoded and viewed securely in the cloud you will not have any pop up ads or links to other sites interfering with the streaming experience. G-box TV offers such a service.

Step 2:

It could not be simpler to upload your video content to the cloud service. All it requires is a one click upload function that is provided as part of the software and it is ready to encoded and shared via any method. An effective video encoding service will support many of the leading formats of video including .FLV, Quicktime, .MOV, .WMV, Flash, .x264, .MPEG, .3GP, .AVI, .MP3.

Step 3:

Copy a line of script from your chosen video encoding solution platform to embed the video. Following this the video content is ready to be viewed online.

Step 4:

Share content easily on all social media sites and any other methods such as blogs, apps or via email. Ensure your chosen platform also includes the option to share content publicly or privately which is helpful if your clients are running internal campaigns that should not be made public or are running a beta test or trial with only a select number of customers.

See Also

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