Saturday, May 11, 2013

HBT: MLB admits umps erred? |? Hands out ban

Another day, another official statement from MLB admitting that umpires did something wrong.

This time it?s about the weird moment in last night?s Astros-Angels game in which seemingly everyone involved except for Mike Scioscia forgot what was presumably a pretty well-known rule about a pitcher having to face at least one batter before a change can be made.

Astros manager Bo Porter tried to swap out pitchers before a batter had been faced and the umpiring crew allowed it, which led to Scioscia rightfully freaking out ? and nothing happening. After the game Porter?s explanation made it very clear he didn?t understand the rule and that?s pretty shocking for a big-league manager, but of course the responsibility for making sure the rules are actually followed falls on the umpires.

MLB?s statement/press release that was just sent out says the rule regarding pitching changes was ?not applied correctly? and they?re reviewing the situation further. Ultimately the Angels came back to win, so Scioscia playing the game under protest meant even less than usual, but when combined with Angel Hernandez?s botched home run replay call this has been a rough week for MLB and their umpires.


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