Friday, December 21, 2012

December Issue ? CREATIVE QUILL Newsletter ? Marcie Brock ...

December Issue ? CREATIVE QUILL?Newsletter

December Issue ? CREATIVE QUILL Newsletter

Well, it?s a busy season ? and just plain busy! Haven?t been doing nearly the blogging I intended to this month. The good news is that the topics are piling up!

  • How to get your book into libraries
  • The benefits of cause-related marketing
  • Mischief marketing at its best
  • Teaching people how to recommend/refer you
  • Setting your 2013 goals

LOGO - Christmas

Right now, I want to share a link to my December newsletter. The featured article is ?Marketing Your Book Should Begin as Soon as You Decide to Write It.?

It was the second Tuesday in October when I received a phone call from Jenn Laurent, a new author. She was referred by my longtime networking associate, Gilat Ben-Dor. Jenn asked if I could help her market her book, Excerpts from the Heart of? Mom, a book about conscious parenting. I told her I was pretty sure I could help and asked when her book was due to be published.

?It?s going up for sale on my website tomorrow,? Jenn told me.

Wow! ?Is there any strategic reason you?re starting to sell it TOMORROW?? I asked.

?Well, it?s arriving from the printer,? was Jenn?s response. READ THE REST HERE

Now I know this is probably old news for the SBMs* who?ve been with? me for a while, but there are other reasons to read the newsletter! The format of a newsletter just allows you to do different things than you can do on a blog or via other social media channels. We?ve got regular features, including:

Clients we?re supporting?

Blogs we?re following?

Sites we?re using?

Resources we?re recommending?

Conferences upcoming?

Contests for submitting?

Books we?re reading?

Movies we?re watching?

Freebies we?re offering?

Places Laura?s speaking?


And the literary quote of the month?

See all of the above references and links here, and if you like what you see, SUBSCRIBE!

Of course, there?s a mention of my upcoming self-paced program: EMPOWERING WOMEN WRITERS.

Look for at least one more post before Christmas!

Until then ? stay warm, safe, and happy.


*Savvy Book Marketer


We welcome and encourage your thoughtful, courteous comments below.


Speaking of holiday specials, we?re offering a special design package for the holidays: Bookmark, Postcard, Business Card, and One Sheet branded with your title and/or logo, all for just $499 (or 2 payments of $275). If you?ve been meaning to update your marketing materials or have a new title coming out for the first of the year, this opportunity is tailor-made for you! Offer expires 1/31/13. Visit Holiday Marketing Package for more details.


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