Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Get More Done With Less Time ? Building an Online | Travel

Every Internet marketer has one primary goal: to get their business as much on auto pilot as possible so that they don?t have to work as much but can still get real results. If you are still starting out and just setting up your web business you will see that things aren?t quite as easy as they appear because you need to take care of every little thing by yourself. This is when it is particularly important to have good time management skills because if you are able to get more done in a lot less time, you will be able to use the time you save to do your planning and strategizing.

Every single step that you take towards getting this part right will help you improve your overall approach. Here are a few tips that you can use right now to help you get more accomplished without having to put in lots of hours.

Every Internet marketer faces information overload at some point or the other, and this info overload can lead to a loss of productivity, which is why it?s important that you take care of it early on. Start off by putting filters wherever you can, like in your email, your RSS reader and more. This can help you filter anything that might wind up being time consuming and not of any real use. In addition to this, you should only use informational sources that you can trust to deliver the proper information to your desk. When you subscribe to mailing lists that are mostly promotional and not value filled, unsubscribe to them.

If you?re staring down a list of routine tasks that are mundane and time consuming it is time to start thinking about outsourcing or finding ways to automate them. In Internet Marketing you need to focus your attention on earning a profit not on doing those things that are better left for outsourced workers or an automated service.

The more you focus just on this one factor, the more you can grow and the faster you can move.

Once in a while you need some outside help so that you really can get more done in less time. It is important to know who to ask for help and where to get the right kinds of assistance you need to give you the boost you?re looking for. Once in a while you should definitely figure things out on your own because it will be a learning experience but there are going to also be times when it is better to look for help instead of wasting your time. It?s important to make each minute you spend at your work station productive; if something gives you trouble ask for help with it; getting help is nothing to be ashamed of.

All Internet marketers dream of building a business that earns them six figures while running on auto pilot. If you want your Internet business to reach that level, however, you will first need to work on managing your time properly. When you do this, you?ll be able to reach more of the goals you have set in a lot less time. While there are lots of things that can keep you from being productive once you start putting all of those tips into action you can see for yourself how easily things will fall into place and save lots of time. magic spells


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Israel's Barak hopes to extend political career

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin, right, and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, left, speak to journalists during a tour of of a missile defense battery near the city of Ashkelon, southern Israel, Wednesday, 24 2012. Gaza militants pummeled southern Israel with dozens of rockets and mortars on Wednesday, and Israeli airstrikes killed two Palestinians in a sharp escalation of violence following a landmark visit to the coastal territory by the leader of Qatar.(AP Photo/ Tsafrir Abayov)

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin, right, and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, left, speak to journalists during a tour of of a missile defense battery near the city of Ashkelon, southern Israel, Wednesday, 24 2012. Gaza militants pummeled southern Israel with dozens of rockets and mortars on Wednesday, and Israeli airstrikes killed two Palestinians in a sharp escalation of violence following a landmark visit to the coastal territory by the leader of Qatar.(AP Photo/ Tsafrir Abayov)

(AP) ? He's been Israel's prime minister, military chief, the country's most decorated soldier and, for the past five years, its defense minister and moderate face to the West.

Now Ehud Barak's long and distinguished career might be coming to an end. He is unpopular with the public, and polls predict his Independence Party will barely make it into parliament in the Jan. 22 election, if at all. Most commentators predict his days in politics are numbered, but others say it may be too early to count the wily general out.

"Barak is all alone now. He just has too many enemies," said political analyst Hanan Kristal. "So why is he running? Is that how he wants to end his career? The only explanation is that he is a fighter, and a fighter doesn't give up."

The 70-year-old Barak earned his reputation as a warrior through a military career that included commanding some of Israel's most daring hostage release operations and raids.

As commander of the elite Sayeret Matkal unit, Barak led the 1972 raid on a hijacked Sabena airliner on the ground in Israel with the commandos disguised as airline technicians. A photograph of Barak standing on the wing in white overalls as the freed hostages were disembarking has become part of Israeli lore.

The following year, he led a commando operation in Beirut, sneaking into the city disguised as a woman.

A war hero hailed as a brilliant military strategist, he was once seen as a worthy heir to his mentor, the assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. But in politics, Barak rose and fell quickly.

In 1999, just four years after retiring from the military, Barak became prime minister. Political allies and foes alike considered him aloof and imperious, resenting the go-it-alone style that served him in the military. His term lasted less than two years ? the shortest ever for an elected Israeli premier ? his government crumbling with the outbreak of a Palestinian uprising that followed an unsuccessful summit with the Palestinian leader and U.S. president.

He was crushed by hard-liner Ariel Sharon in a 2001 election, leaving behind a legacy of failed peacemaking with the Palestinians and Syria, despite unprecedented offers of sweeping territorial concessions, and a contentious decision to abruptly end Israel's 18-year military occupation of south Lebanon. The overnight unilateral withdrawal from southern Lebanon created a vacuum that was quickly filled by the anti-Israel Hezbollah guerrilla group.

Despite the dramatic collapse, Barak credited his wide-reaching offer to withdraw from nearly all of the West Bank and Gaza with exposing Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's essential rejection of the peace offer ? a view endorsed by President Bill Clinton.

Barak easily recaptured the leadership of Labor in 2007, replacing civilian Defense Minister Amir Peretz, who led a botched war in Lebanon the previous summer. But he remained personally unpopular and his party, which had led Israel to independence and governed it for its first three decades, had lost its public appeal.

After leading Labor to an all-time low of 13 of 120 parliamentary seats in the 2009 election, Barak enraged his dovish base by joining a coalition government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who takes a hard line toward the Palestinians.

Israeli hard-liners didn't like him any better, accusing him of undercutting the West Bank settlement movement by withholding construction approvals, clearing squatters from West Bank homes and encouraging Netanyahu to support a now-expired, U.S.-initiated slowdown in settlement construction.

Barak eventually broke away from Labor to form his new party, Independence, with a few junior allies. The party never resonated with the public, but Barak himself retained his clout in the Netanyahu government, acting as the prime minister's point man to the United States. There, he was welcomed as a moderating influence on Netanyahu's hard line toward the Arab world and Iran's nuclear program.

Yet even that alliance ? dating back to the 1970s, when Barak was Netanyahu's commander in the commando unit ? seems to have suffered with reports that the two are at odds over whether to defer to the U.S. on any attack against Iranian nuclear facilities. Barak's detractors in Netanyahu's Likud Party want him replaced and have begun criticizing him openly.

Ahead of elections, Barak is trying to carve out his electoral place in the center, by staking out more dovish positions on Iran and separating religion and state.

This strategy does not seem to be working. A new poll published Monday in the Maariv daily predicted Barak's Independence Party would not receive enough votes to win even a single seat in parliament. The survey, conducted by the TNS/Teleseker agency, questioned 500 people and had a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.

Similar polls in recent days had forecast Barak would win a maximum of three seats. Under Israel's system of proportional representation, the number of votes a party receives determines how many seats it controls in parliament.

Last week, Netanyahu announced plans for an alliance with a party led by his hard-line foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, creating a superbloc that appears positioned to coast to victory.

That partnership has fueled speculation that centrist and dovish parties may also join forces. But even that does not bode well for Barak, who has rocky relations with all the major candidates and whose party would likely lose its already small base of supporters to a larger bloc.

Leaders of that potential bloc, however, are new political faces generally considered not experienced enough for the top job.

Barak's party is hoping that his experience will be his salvation at a time when the region is churning with popular dissent, civil war and, perhaps, war with Iran. His party's election ads depict him gazing sternly above the slogan: "Ehud Barak ? because we need a responsible adult here."

"There are many who have eulogized Ehud Barak, and most aren't in politics anymore," said Einat Wilf, a lawmaker in Barak's party. "He's the first who will tell you there are people who don't like him. But we don't have many leaders of his caliber, and people will consider that when they vote."

Barak, who did not respond to multiple interview requests, hopes to cling to the Defense Ministry whatever happens.

If he doesn't make it into parliament, he could still hang on to his job. Under Israeli law, Cabinet ministers besides the premier do not have to be elected lawmakers, and such appointments have been made in the past.

"With so few potential leaders in the ring, he can still fill a role," said Yossi Beilin, Barak's former justice minister. "Therefore it is no surprise that Barak is still a great hope."

Associated Press


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Forest fires linked to high temperatures two years before

ScienceDaily (Oct. 19, 2012) ? A study led by some University of Barcelona researchers analyses the impact of interannual and seasonal climate variability on the fires occurred in Catalonia last summer. The study concludes that summer fires, related to summer climate conditions, are correlated with antecedent climate conditions, especially winter and spring ones with a lag time of two years. The results suggest that precipitation and temperature conditions regulate fuel flammability and fuel structure. According to the correlations observed, the study provides a model to produce long-term predictions.

The study, published in the journal Climatic Change, comes out of the doctoral thesis of the researcher Marco Turco, directed by the UB researcher Maria del Carme Llasat, co-author of the article. From 1983 to 2007, period analysed in the study, more than 16000 fires events were recorded and the total burned area was more than 240000 hectares, around 7.5 % of Catalonia. The work develops a statistical analysis of these fires and shows that, from a climate point of view, according to Maria del Carme Llasat, "is possible to develop a model that gives us an estimation of the number of fires and the extension of the burned area related to monthly average temperature and rainfall. We developed a simple regression model which includes the influence of spring-summer climate conditions of the studied year, but specially other variables which are determinant, although they do not seem to."

The established correlations allow us to prove that, for example, low minimum temperatures in winter and summer contribute to an increase in the number of fires. However, the extension of the burned area highly depends on the winter months' rainfall, and in both cases on the winter-spring temperatures with a time lag of two years.

Specifically, the number of fires is correlated with the minimum temperature in the period February-June of the previous two years, and the number of burned hectares is correlated with the maximum temperature in the period March-April of the previous two years. "Even if it is not confirmed yet, this relation with climate data of two previous years has to do with the vegetation cycle of the region studied," explains Llasat, head of the group Metereological Hazard Analysis (GAMA). This two years relation has also been observed on other works developed in the Mediterranean area.

Fires are a complex processes associated with factors of different origin, such as climate and weather, human activities and vegetation conditions. As a first approximation a concept model was proposed suggesting that climatic processes act as top-down controls on the regional pattern of fire controlling both fuel moisture (fuel flammability) and nature and availability of fuel (fuel structure). Catalonia can be classified as an ecosystem in which climate acts in two main ways: antecedent climate regulates the fuel amount and its continuity, whilst current climate (for example, drought) promotes the fuel load.

Adopting the view that climate is the main controlling factor of the interannual variability of fire, on this work the links between climate and fire variability are analysed using the high resolution (20 km x 20 km) gridded data set, called Spain02. This data set is produced by the Spanish Metereological Agency (AEMET). Accurate data for fire occurrence and burned are were obtained from the Forest Fire Prevention Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya (SPIF). The data consists in the characteristics of 16753 fire events occurred in Catalonia during the 25 years period studied. Although fires in this region occur throughout the year, about 60% of the fires occur in summer, from June to September, which amounts to be about 86% of the annual burned area.

Model applications

In the study a simple regression model is presented that links the variability of summer fires in Catalonia to climatic variables, and produces reliable out-of-sample seasonal and climatic predictions.

Llasat points out: "With this model we can make reliable predictions about the impact of climate variability on summer fires, but it is not the right model to be used for risk evaluations of prompt fires. In order to do that we have other resources, such as the one used by the SPIF and developed in the UB, which take into account other variables, for example the wind."

"We performed a first out-of-sample prediction that in general fits well, except for the 1994 big fires. We also studied this year meteorologically and we know that it was exceptional," explains the researcher. The model explains up to 76 % of the variance of the burned area and up to 91 % of the variance of the number of fires.

UB researchers are working in order to use the model to estimate fire response to different climate change scenarios, assuming that climate, vegetation, humans, fire interactions will not change significantly.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Universidad de Barcelona.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Marco Turco, Maria Carmen Llasat, Jost Hardenberg, Antonello Provenzale. Impact of climate variability on summer fires in a Mediterranean environment (northeastern Iberian Peninsula). Climatic Change, 2012; DOI: 10.1007/s10584-012-0505-6

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Judge rules for cheerleaders in Bible banner suit

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) ? A judge stopped an East Texas school district on Thursday from barring cheerleaders from quoting Bible verses on banners at high school football games, saying the policy appears to violate their free speech rights.

District Judge Steve Thomas granted an injunction requested by the Kountze High School cheerleaders allowing them to continue displaying religious-themed banners pending the outcome of a lawsuit, which is set to go to trial next June 24, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said. Thomas previously granted a temporary restraining order allowing the practice to continue.

School officials barred the cheerleaders from displaying banners with religious messages such as, "If God is for us, who can be against us," after the Freedom From Religion Foundation complained. The advocacy group says the messages violate the First Amendment clause barring the government ? or a publicly funded school district, in this case ? from establishing or endorsing a religion.

Republican Gov. Rick Perry and Abbott spoke out in support of the cheerleaders on Wednesday. Perry appointed Thomas to fill a vacancy on the 356th District Court, and he is running for election to continue in the post as a Republican.

"The Constitution has never demanded that students check their religious beliefs at the schoolhouse door," Abbott said in a statement issued after the ruling. "Students' ability to express their religious views adds to the diversity of thought that has made this country so strong."

Abbott filed court papers to intervene in the lawsuit and sent state attorneys to support the cheerleaders' position that the district's ban violated their free speech rights. The Texas Education Code also states that schools must respect the rights of students to express their religious beliefs.

"It is the individual speech of the cheerleaders and not in fact the government speaking," David Starnes, the cheerleaders' attorney said, according to KDFM television. "It is not just one girl or one person in the group that comes up with the quote, but it's on a rotating basis that each girl gets to pick the quote. That is their individual voices that are being portrayed on the banner."

Thomas Brandt, the attorney representing the school district, said the superintendent had acted to comply within existing legal rulings.

The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement in which it called the judge's decision misguided.

"Public schools are for children of all faiths or no faith, and these banners were clearly being displayed in the context of school-sponsored activities," the group said. "Faith is a profoundly personal decision, so students should not be subjected to an exclusionary school-sponsored religious message on campus or be forced to choose between attending quintessential school events ? football games ? or being subjected to an unwanted religious message."

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, which is dedicated to the separation of church and state, argued in the context of a football game it was unclear who was responsible for the messages, the school or the cheerleaders.

"The speech in question is government speech or, at a minimum, school-sponsored speech," the group said in court papers. "If the majority of the cheerleaders were atheists, would a court support their 'right' to hold up a banner insulting Christianity or all believers? The district has every right to simply prohibit all run-through and on-field banners."

Perry said Texans should encourage the cheerleaders.

"Anyone who is expressing their faith should be celebrated, from my perspective, in this day and age of instant gratification, this me-first culture that we see all too often," Perry said Wednesday. "We're a nation built on the concept of free expression of ideas. We're also a culture built on the concept that the original law is God's law, outlined in the Ten Commandments."


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The Strongest Trend on Earth Says Own Gold Now ... - Yahoo! Finance

Given all the talk about money printing, inflation and the devaluation of the dollar, you'd think more investors would be hungry to get a hold of an alternative measure of stock prices that was devoid of currency impacts.

Even though the Dow-Gold Ratio has always been followed, it's still fairly obscure and doesn't get much attention. But some say the time is right to take a look, including hedge fund manager JC Parets, the founder and president of Eagle Bay Capital and senior editor of, who calls its 20-year performance "the strongest trend on earth."

"I don't know anything stronger," Parets says in the attached video. "Since 1999 this thing has been just crushing, literally."

As the chart below reflects, the slumping ratio wasn't always a single-digit affair. In August of 1999, the ratio peaked out at 44, meaning it took 44 ounces of gold to buy 1 share of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Dow / Gold Ratio

Prior to that, it enjoyed a 20-year ascent, climbing from 1-to-1 in 1980 to the aforementioned peak of 44.

"In 1980 a share of the Dow bought you an ounce of gold. They were the same price," Parets says, pointing out that the current ratio reading of about 8 is up from 6 last year when gold hit a record high, but more importantly, he says it's still a long way above the record low still.

"We're nowhere near historic lows of 1:1. If you do the math, we have a long way to go from 8:1," he says. "We're looking for gold to outperform the Dow and think the path of least resistance in gold is higher."


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Interview With Reddit Troll, ?Violentacrez?, On Anderson Cooper [Video]

screenshotNotorious smut peddler, "Violentacrez", gave his first Interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper last night. After being?outed?by Gawker last week, the 49-year-old softspoken software engineer has lost his job and rekindled a fierce debate over the limits of free speech. "I am to some degree apologizing for what I did," said Michael Brutsch, "Violentacrez is what I did in my spare time to unwind from my 10-hour-a-day job. That?s how I relaxed in the evening. I no longer need to relax in the evening, because I no longer have a job."


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Hands-on with Google's $249, ARM-based Chromebook (update: video)

Google 116inch ARMbased Samsung Chromebook handson

Google really impressed us in San Francisco here today with its 11.6-inch ARM-based Samsung Chromebook. The $249 laptop is 0.8-inches (20mm) thin and weight only 2.43 pounds (1.1kg). It features a 11.6-inch 1366 x 768-pixel matte display, a full-size keyboard, a button-less trackpad and a 30Wh battery for 6.5+ hours of operation. Specs include a fanless dual-core A15-based Samsung Exynos 5 Dual (5250) SoC, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of built-in flash storage, WiFi a/b/g/n and Bluetooth. There's a full-size SD card reader and a standard 3.5mm headphone jack (with mic support) on the left, plus the power input, HDMI output, USB 2.0 port, USB 3.0 connector and SIM slot (currently unused) in back.

First impressions? This is a solid machine -- build quality and materials are fantastic for the price. It's also pleasantly thin and light, a boon for people who are used to carrying a laptop around every day. We're happy with the display which is bright and crisp. Viewing angles could use some improvement, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a better laptop screen at this price. The keyboard and trackpad feel great (we're coming from an 11-inch Core i7 MacBook Air), and two-finger scrolling works like a charm. Performance is somewhere between the original Atom-based Chromebooks and the current Celeron-equipped Series-5 model. The system didn't have any issues playing back 1080p content in YouTube, but we didn't get a chance try Hulu or NetFlix.

Ultimately, this is a phenomenal device for the price. If you're used to working in the cloud, you're basically getting 80 percent of the entry-level MacBook Air experience for a quarter of the price. Factor in the Google Now integration and 100GB of free Google Drive storage for two years and this latest Chromebook is a winner. Check out the gallery below and hit the break for our hands-on video.

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Hands-on with Google's $249, ARM-based Chromebook (update: video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Oct 2012 13:21:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rumored iPad mini event to be focused on iBooks and education as well as new hardware

Rumored iPad mini event to be focused on iBooks and education as well as new hardwareWe heard yesterday from some very reliable sources that Apple would be holding an event to launch the iPad mini later this month; October 23 to be more precise. Some more information is starting to slip out and it appears that the actual event may be focused on Apple?s iBooks store and of course education. The news comes from The Next Web who has now heard this from multiple sources.

In what will likely be completely unsurprising news to many, we?ve now heard from multiple sources that Apple?s as-yet-unannounced iPad mini event will have a strong focus on iBooks. Since an iPad mini would likely be squarely aimed at those who wish to partake of media on their tablets that would make a lot of sense.

The event will, of course, be primarily devoted a new hardware device, which iMore first reported would be a thinner, cheaper version of Apple?s iPad. But the primary purpose of such a smaller tablet would be to act as a conduit for Apple?s content, namely iBooks publications and movies.

When you think about it, the focus on iBooks does make a lot of sense. The iPad mini would be a killer device in the education market. The fact that it would be a much more affordable device as well would make it perfect for students to carry around with all of their text books stored on it. The iPad mini event is supposedly just around the corner so we will not have much longer to wait to see what Apple has up its sleeve. We would expect the invites for the event to start arriving for the chosen few in the very early part of next week. Who's excited?

Source: The Next Web


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Deep-Sea Vehicle Alvin Gets Splashy Makeover

Humans have explored only a tiny fraction of the deep-sea floor, but the deep-diving submersible vehicle Alvin gets credit for a considerable share of what humanity has seen in the water's dark, alien depths.

Alvin, which can ferry three people into the deep sea, has made 4,664 dives since its first in 1965. Alvin has explored the wreckage of the doomed Titanic, revealed otherworldly life flourishing at hydrothermal vents and their cooler counterparts, cold seeps. Most recently, Alvin was dispatched to investigate the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

After all of these missions, Alvin is getting an upgrade.

A new sphere ? the part of the submersible in which a pilot and two scientists travel ? has been forged from titanium, and workers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts, Alvin's home base, have begun the process of rebuilding the rest of the storied submersible.

After ensuring the sphere fit within Alvin's frame, workers removed the sphere and are now bolting flotation material called syntactic foam, the main ballast system, the battery box and other systems onto the frame. The interior of the sphere still needs to be built and instrumentation installed within it, said Susan Humphris, the scientist leading the upgrade project. [See Photos of Alvin and Its Deep-Sea Adventures]

She said she expects Alvin to be reassembled by the end of the year. Manned testing is expected to begin by March with the first deep dive off Bermuda in April 2013.

A successful dive in April would complete the first half of the two-stage upgrade process intended to enable Alvin to dive deeper, carry more samples, extend the reach of its arms, take better pictures, and provide its passengers and pilot with a more comfortable ride and a better view, Humphris said.

The first stage of the upgrade, which is under way, is estimated to cost $40.9 million. However, the timing of the second stage remains uncertain, pending funding and technological developments. Power is a big part of the problem.

The first-stage upgrades involve changes that don't require more power. For example, the new 6.5-foot-diameter (2 meters) sphere is slightly larger than its predecessor and has slightly larger portholes, or windows, in an improved configuration. Its interior will feature a curved bench on which occupants can lie or kneel, Humphris said.

But perhaps the most significant upgrade, extending the depth to which Alvin can dive from 15,000 feet (4,500 m) to 21,000 feet (6,500 m), isn't yet happening. The problem: Diving deeper requires more power.

Alvin has used lead-acid batteries, like those in a car, to power itself on dives. But to extend its depth range, Alvin needs a battery upgrade. The easiest choice for an improvement would be lithium-ion batteries, but this technology isn't yet safe enough to be used on a routine basis in a manned submarine.

"Our hope is that it could be done when the Alvin goes through its next major overhaul in five
years," Humphris told LiveScience. Every five years, Alvin is completely disassembled for maintenance.

In its current configuration, Alvin's diving capability allows it to reach the bottom of about two-thirds of the ocean. At the extended rangeAlvin is expected to be able to reach 98 percent of the seafloor, Humphris said. [Gallery: Unique Life at Antarctic Deep-Sea Vents]

But even with its diving range extended, Alvin will be far from the deepest diving submersible. In March, James Cameron dove 6.8 miles (11,000 m) in the western Pacific in a privately funded vehicle. And in June, China tested its own submersible below 23,000 feet (7,000 m).

The new titanium sphere, forged in Wisconsin, is now at WHOI, where Alvin?s pilots have begun rebuilding the vehicle. (The pilots do assembly work so they are intimately familiar with the vehicle, Humphris said.)

The titanium frame into which the sphere will fit is not yet completed, but work is continuing using a steel mockup until the real thing is ready.

Humphris, a geologist, said she stopped counting her dives in Alvin after her 30th trip.

"The bottom of the ocean is close to freezing, so you take a lot of sweaters, coats and gloves and socks down with you," she said. The cooling has an uncomfortable repercussion: "the water vapor condenses out and it trickles down the inside of the hull, [so] you are leaning against the hull and there is this cold trickle of water going down your back."

The journey to the bottom of the ocean takes roughly two hours each way, leaving about five hours of a dive spent on the bottom.

"You have got limited time ? We don't even stop and eat lunch once we are on the bottom, you just work, and you usually have a long list of tasks to accomplish so that is probably the most stressful time," she said.

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Spotting a trend in the genes: Three genes that cause cancer and disease in humans also 'paint' spots on butts of fruit flies

ScienceDaily (Oct. 12, 2012) ? Spots on the butts of fruit flies are really, really small. But what a researcher and his graduate student are discovering about them could be gigantic.

Thomas Werner, assistant professor of biological sciences at Michigan Technological University, and his PhD student, Komal Kumar Bollepogu Raja, have discovered that three genes that cause cancer and disease in humans also "paint" the spots on the fly's body. This discovery could enable researchers to study how those genes work in fruit flies and apply that knowledge to treating cancer in people.

"The last common ancestor of man and fruit flies lived about 600 million years ago," says Werner. "All the genes needed to build a body were already present in that ancestor, and today we still share virtually all of our body-building genes with fruit flies. This is why we are able to study human diseases like cancer in fruit flies."

Werner and Raja are interested in how DNA encodes body forms and patterns in animals. They use color patterns as a model.

They've made strong connections between developed spots and three genes, all of which have cancer- and disease-causing counterparts in humans. Thus, the abdominal spots of this tiny fruit fly could be a great model for understanding genetic pathways that cause cancer.

"We are looking here at proto-oncogenes, which are cancer genes that cause disease when they are active in an uncontrolled manner," Werner explains. "Both humans and flies have them, and in flies they learned to paint black spots on the abdomen."

This reveals that old genes can learn new tricks; they just need to become part of a new genetic pathway, like, in this case, adding designer patterns to a boring garment. "And you get your evolutionary novelty without having to invent new genes," Werner says.

Werner's been down this research road before. He introduced stripes onto the spotted wings of fruit flies ("from a leopard to a zebra"), showing that a certain cancer gene is sufficient to induce pigment patterns on Drosophila wings, and landed on the cover of Nature, one of the leading scientific journals in the world. The magazine's cover hangs in his office.

"Now we want to use our new methods to find out how the abdominal pigment pattern is generated, and how it is encoded in DNA," says Raja."

The genes that seem to paint the pigment spots on the abdomen are important for other reasons, Werner says. Some of them have additional roles in defining the head-to-tail axis in animals and are crucial for the proper development of the vertebrae in humans. If these genes misbehave during the development of the human embryo, gross disabilities or embryonic death will occur.

"Many diseases like cancer and vertebra-related disabilities are caused by the 'misbehavior' of genes, when they are expressed at times and places or in amounts they are not supposed to be," Werner says. "Our work focuses on understanding how the cancer- and disease-causing genes in the fruit fly are regulated, and how they regulate their downstream target genes."

The biggest promise for the future, however, involves those three "bad" genes. By studying them, Werner and Raja believe they can identify targets for gene therapies against cancer and genetically inherited developmental defects.

Targeting these genes when they start misbehaving could lead to happier and healthier tomorrows for many people: a grand result from research on miniscule flies.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Michigan Technological University. The original article was written by Dennis Walikainen.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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The right stuff: Yanks beat O's, advance to ALCS

NEW YORK (AP) ? CC Sabathia turned and looked over his right shoulder, watching intently after Nate McLouth turned on a 93 mph fastball and sent it soaring down the right-field line.

Yankees-Orioles. Playoffs. Disputed home run.


McLouth's long drive was called foul by the slimmest of margins ? hello, Jeffrey Maier ? and New York hung on to beat Baltimore 3-1 Friday in the deciding Game 5 of the AL division series.

Sixteen years later, the Orioles still can't find the right stuff in the Bronx.

With Alex Rodriguez benched, the Yankees advanced to the AL championship series against the Detroit Tigers, starting Saturday night in the Bronx.

"It is still a long way to go," Sabathia said. "I still got hopefully three or four more starts. So the job is not done yet."

Sabathia pitched a four-hitter, wriggling out of a bases-loaded jam in the eighth inning for his first complete game in 17 postseason starts, and the first for the Yankees since Roger Clemens in 2000.

Yet it was another piece of history that this game evoked.

The Orioles were in a foul mood, stung on a close play in right that echoed what happened across the street at the old Yankee Stadium in the 1996 AL championship opener, on a fly ball involving the young Maier that still stirs emotions in Baltimore.

This time, with the Orioles trailing 1-0 in the sixth, McLouth sent a 3-1 pitch deep. Eyes turned to right field umpire Fieldin Culbreth, who demonstrably waved foul with both arms.

Orioles manager Buck Showalter jogged onto the field to ask for a video review, and four umpires went down a tunnel on the third-base side examine the images on a screen near their dressing room. When they ran back onto the field about two minutes later, they didn't make any signal ? meaning the original call stood. McLouth struck out on the next pitch, ending the inning.

"I saw it go to the right of the pole," Culbreth said. "There is netting there and it didn't touch the netting. It did not change direction," he added, indicating he did not think the ball grazed the pole.

Added crew chief Brian Gorman: "We saw the same thing on the replay. There was no evidence to overturn the decision."

Showalter? Not sure.

"I couldn't tell. It was real close," he said.

McLouth wondered, too, what the umps would decide.

"It started off fair and it was just hooking a little bit. I thought it was foul just in game speed," McLouth said. "A couple of people mentioned it might've ticked the pole, but he was way closer than I was and I was satisfied after they went down and looked at the replay that it was foul."

That's the way Yankees right fielder Nick Swisher saw it.

"I didn't see any redirection," he said. "If it had hit, I would have been the first to know."

Steven Ellis, a fan from the Broad Channel section of Queens, caught the ball with his Yankee cap in the second deck.

"It was foul all the way, never hit the pole," he said.

Ada Cruz, sitting behind Ellis, added: "No way, no way. I watched it and he caught it."

A stadium usher who wouldn't give his name, however, said he saw the ball glance off the pole.

Back in 1996, the 12-year-old Maier reached over the wall above right fielder Tony Tarasco and deflected Derek Jeter's fly ball. Umpire Richie Garcia called it a home run, which tied the score 4-all in the eighth inning, and the Yankees went on to win in the 11th.

"Just watching at home, I promise," Maier texted to The Associated Press after this play.

Sabathia defeated the Orioles for the second time in six days, Raul Ibanez hit a go-ahead single in the fifth off Jason Hammel after former Baltimore high school star Mark Teixeira singled and swiped second in a rare steal. Diving second baseman Robert Andino just missed gloving Ibanez's hit.

Ichiro Suzuki added an RBI double of the right-center field wall in the sixth. Curtis Granderson boosted the lead to 3-0 with a second-deck solo homer against Troy Patton in the seventh.

Sabathia, who improved to 4-0 in his last eight postseason starts, didn't allow an extra-base hit. He struck out eight and walked two and matched his season high of 121 pitches.

"He didn't pitch all five, but it certainly felt like it, didn't it?" Showalter said.

Since going winless in four straight starts in late August and early September, Sabathia is 4-0 with a 1.51 ERA in outings.

"He's our go-to guy," Jeter said. "He's been our go-to guy since he's been here."

Sabathia took a one-hit shutout into the eighth but allowed Matt Wieters' leadoff single and Manny Machado's walk. Mark Reynolds struck out, and Lew Ford ? starting at DH in place of Jim Thome ? hit an RBI single.

Andino hit a bouncer to the third-base side that Sabathia gloved, but Eric Chavez left third uncovered and Sabathia's throw to second was late, leaving the bases loaded. With David Robertson warming up in the New York bullpen, McLouth struck out on a changeup and Sabathia escaped when J.J. Hardy hit a slow three-hopper to shortstop that Jeter, playing on a sore left ankle, charged and gloved elegantly before throwing to first just in time.

Sabathia pitched a 1-2-3 ninth, finishing a 121-pitch effort as Wieters hit a comebacker. The Yankees ran out of their dugout to celebrate on the third-base side of the mound and the Orioles walked off slowly and somberly.

New York doesn't have much time to get ready for the Tigers. Andy Pettitte, the career postseason leader with 19 wins, starts for the Yankees with a rested bullpen behind him, opposed by Doug Fister.

"I came back to hopefully help this club get into this position," Pettitte said.

For Baltimore, which beat Texas in the first AL wild-card playoff, it was a disappointing ending to a renaissance season for the proud franchise. The Orioles went 93-69, finishing behind the Yankees in an AL East race decided on the final night, and ended a streak of 14 consecutive losing seasons.

"It's been about as much fun as I have had in the big leagues watching how they play the game every day, the standard they held themselves to and the way they raised the bar in Baltimore with each other," said Showalter, who has not reached the LCS in 14 major league seasons.

New York won for the 12th time in 23 meetings between the teams in a matchup so close the Yankees outscored the Orioles 106-102. The teams were within one run of each other at the end of 46 of 52 innings in the division series. New York totaled just 16 runs in the five games and Baltimore 10, ending a dynamic six-week struggle. After 10 different nights in September, the two rivals were tied for first.

"They are a very good club and they are a very resilient club," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. "You have a bunch of young kids over there that just play the game the right way and play hard. And you think about it, we played 23 games, and there were four runs that separated us. It's an accomplishment for both clubs because they never went away. People thought they were going to go away, they never went away."

A-Rod (2 for 16), Robinson Cano (2 for 22), Swisher (2 for 18) and Granderson (3 for 19) all slumped against Baltimore. The Yankees advanced despite hitting .219 with runners in scoring position (7 for 32) ? but Baltimore was 3 for 22 in that situation during the three games in New York.

Slumping Orioles hitter included Wieters (3 for 20), Hardy (3 for 22) and Jones (2 for 23).

"It's just unfortunate a lot of guys got cold at the wrong time," Adam Jones said.

With a 5:07 p.m. start on the first chilly night of autumn, there was an unusual sight at Yankee Stadium at the start ? large patches of empty seats. And Baltimore fans could be heard chanting "O'' during "The Star-Spangled Banner." But the ballpark filled up by the middle innings.

The 37-year-old Rodriguez, hitless in 12 at-bats against right-handed pitchers with nine strikeouts, was a spectator, too, in a decision that could have long-term repercussions for the Yankees, who owe him $114 million over the next five seasons. He did not speak with reporters after the game.

Chavez, who replaced A-Rod at third base, went 0 for 3 with a pair of strikeouts.

In the Yankees clubhouse, where anything less than a World Series is failure, the celebration was muted. Three postseason wins down, eight to go.

"We'll enjoy this one for a few minutes," Jeter said, "and then get ready for tomorrow"

NOTES: The crowd of 47,081 was the smallest in 18 postseason games at new Yankee Stadium, which opened in 2009. ... New York is 11-3 in the ALCS. ... The 26 runs were the fewest in a five-game postseason series since St. Louis (12) and Arizona (10) combined for 22 runs in the 2001 NLDS.


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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Markets subdued on global growth concerns

LONDON (AP) ? A cautious outlook from aluminum company Alcoa Inc. weighed on markets Wednesday as it reinforced investors' concerns about the global economic recovery.

Alcoa kicked off the latest round of earnings reports with a warning that demand for aluminum was lower than anticipated largely because of a slowdown in China. That dominated market sentiment despite slightly better earnings from the company.

"The company's somewhat cautious outlook for the coming months chimes with the IMF's downgrade to global growth," said Chris Beauchamp, market analyst at IG.

On Tuesday, the IMF reduced its growth forecast for the world economy to 3.3 percent this year from the previous estimate of 3.5 percent. Its forecast for growth in 2013 is 3.6 percent, down from 3.9 percent three months ago and 4.1 percent in April. The IMF also reiterated its concerns over the crisis in the eurozone and warned that the recession in Spain was worse than it thought.

Global growth concerns have been one reason why market sentiment has been depressed so far this week. Analysts expect earnings for Standard & Poor's 500 companies to be lower than a year ago ? the first time that has happened in almost three years.

"Pundits have been suggesting this would be a rocky round and so far they're not wrong," said Fawad Razaqzada, market strategist at GFT Markets.

In Europe, the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was down 0.5 percent at 5,781 while Germany's DAX fell 0.4 percent to 7,207. The CAC-40 in France was 0.4 percent lower at 3,370.

Investors in Europe are waiting for a decision on whether aerospace and defense companies BAE Systems PLC and EADS NV will merge. Expectations are that political concerns will put an end to the link-up before a regulatory deadline later Wednesday.

Wall Street was poised for a subdued opening with both the Dow futures and the broader S&P 500 futures down 0.2 percent.

Earlier in Asia, stocks posted losses, with the exception of mainland China, where shares rose on hopes that Chinese authorities were readying measures to help reverse the decline in growth in the world's second-largest economy.

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.2 percent to 2,119.94 while the smaller Shenzhen Composite Index added 1 percent to 880.37.

Elsewhere, Japan's Nikkei 225 index tumbled 2 percent to its lowest close in two months at 8,596.23. Hong Kong's Hang Seng fell 0.1 percent to 20,919.60. South Korea's Kospi dropped 1.6 percent to 1,948.22.

Currency markets were subdued with the euro down 0.1 percent at $1.2857 and the dollar barely higher at 78.30 yen.

Meanwhile, oil prices gave up some of the gains made Tuesday, when investors were worried about supplies from the Middle East and the North Sea. Benchmark oil was down 48 cents to $91.90 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.


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Some Considerations When You Buy Dinar | All About Finance

Posted by Juliette Cruz on Rating 9.0 ?Outstanding

The current change in the political situation of Iraq has got people talking about its investment potential. While not a lot of people has enough money to put up businesses in the country, there is a way by which you can join in its growth. When you buy dinar, you will also get to enjoy he development of the Iraq?s economy.

There are several good reasons to invest in this currency. Topping the list is the amount of oil that can be found in this country. Another reason why some people believe that growth is attainable is that it is located right at the center of the Middle East and thus it is at the best position to trade with its neighbors. This young democratic nation surely has potential but like all investments, you have to weigh your options carefully. Here are pieces of advise in the purchase of the dinar.

Keep in mind that there are no guarantees when it comes to trading foreign currencies. There are currencies that appreciate quickly and depreciate just as fast. On the other hand there are those that appreciate slowly and be able to maintain its growth. Yet, there are those that are very robust then crash unexpectedly. Understanding this will help you minimize losses and risk wisely.

Fundamentally, it is the economy that dictates the rate of exchange. Know the strengths of the economy. A good knowledge of macroeconomics will come in handy on this one. See what their products are and the demand of which in the international market. The political environment is also an important consideration. The interaction among these factors affect the currency?s strength.

To make money out of this trade one must invest in a currency which will rise in value. For example, you bought fifty Iraqi dinars for one US dollar. A few years later the Iraqi money appreciated and its rate against the US dollar has become two dinars is to one USD. When you sell your dinars at such a rate you will get an amount of twenty five dollars, thus gaining twenty four dollars in profit. But that is just putting things simply. There are a lot more factors to consider than that.

Investments involve risks and risks could either pay off or not. Invest only an amount that you can afford to lose. Do not risk something you cannot afford to lose in the hope that bigger risks will get you bigger pay offs.

Do your assignment, research. If investing in currencies is something foreign to you, make sure that you get as much information on it as you can. It would be wise rely on something you know in dept than on something you know superficially. If a particular currency interests you, read about its economical and political status.

Do not put all you have in one currency. Diversification is key to mitigating risks. While there are trends that you can rely on to predict the growth or demise of a particular currency, there are still other factors that could quickly affect a currency?s rate, a good example would be the September eleven bombings. By having several currencies to your name, you still have a backup should one currency falter.

To buy dinar can be a good investment. However, the certainly of which is still to be determine. Only time can tell if it is indeed a fruitful venture. Just remember to be cautious in every investment you make and your investment will, slowly but surely grow.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about Things To Consider When You Buy Dinar

Under Topics: business, Currency Trading, economics, economy, finance, forex, sales,


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Bain Capital Asked To Invest In Gawker - Business Insider


Mike Griffin, an analyst at Bain Capital, emailed Gawker's Nick Denton about a possible partnership. In his email, Griffin thought it would be a fruitful venture to?explore "synergies between Gawker and Bain Capital Ventures and...find ways that we could be helpful as you continue to grow."

What he didn't realize is that Gawker published hundreds of?pages of Bain Capital's confidential financial records, some of which revealed that?Bain employed a?potentially illegal?tax dodge currently?under investigation?by the New York Attorney General.

Gawker's John Cook called Griffin to ask if he was familiar with Gawker's reporting on Bain, and he was not.

"I've been working here for like a week now," Griffin told Gawker. "I just thought it was a unique idea. We work with a lot of similar companies. I had no idea about the [Bain stories]. I'm not sure it would work out. This is awkward."

Here's the text of the email:



Gawker is the high-brow gossip sheet covering media, entertainment, politics and technology.


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The Global Arbitrage of Online Work - Bits Blog - The New York Times

If you thought it has been tough to find good work over the last couple of years, just wait.

The old problem was a bad economy, the kind of thing that ends. Trends suggest that we?re heading for a global online arbitrage of opportunity, however, with good workers in bad places able to snatch business away from better-performing environments. If that happens in large numbers, the competition will get really fierce for everyone.

Recently two of the biggest online staffing companies, oDesk and Elance, have released surveys concerning the companies that hire workers over the Internet to do things like write software, and the mindset of online workers themselves.

Between them, oDesk and Elance claim to have more than four million coders, Web designers, marketing professionals and other workers. Some even spot porn on Facebook at a rate of four for a penny. In the second quarter of 2012, oDesk says, its contractors worked over 8.5 million hours, a 70 percent increase over a year earlier. The average freelancer at Elance, meantime, expects to make 43 percent more money in 2013, as more employers come online.

Taken together, the reports indicate a lot of growth ahead in the business, and a lot of talented people looking for work wherever they can find it. oDesk, which surveyed over 2,800 companies that used its service, found that 10 percent of these buyers were college students, and 58 percent described their companies as start-ups.

Not all those young companies will survive, but the habit of hiring online seems baked in; 64 percent of respondents said at least half of their work force would be online by 2015, and 94 percent predicted that in 10 years most businesses would consist of online temps and physical full-time workers.

The range of jobs done online is increasing, too. Workers on Elance said the highest-growing job categories in 2013 would be Web programming, making mobile applications, design, marketing and content writing. oDesk respondents were heavily in those categories too, but also saw employment in customer service, secretarial work and high-level technology development.

?As we move along, we see an increase in all the categories of work,? said Gary Swart, the chief executive of oDesk. ?We now have lawyers, accountants, financial executives, even managers.? The only work unlikely to go online is immediate physical work, like plumbing, he said, adding, ?but even a plumber needs an accountant.?

What he doesn?t need, apparently, is an accountant anywhere nearby. Some 30 percent of the United States citizens working on oDesk are working for overseas companies, Mr. Swart said. An even greater number of overseas people are probably working for Americans, too. In interviews, both companies say the continuing economic troubles in Europe are driving more people to online employment. oDesk has seen a 78 percent growth in hours billed by companies in Britain this year, even though it has never had much of a presence there.

The online work is already changing how some governments think about labor. Last May the government of Bangladesh decided to classify online work as export-related commercial income, free of taxes, instead of as a taxed offshore remittance.

The idea, Mr. Swart said, is to foster the growth of online workers. In other words, if you?re reading this from one of the better parts of the global economy, it?s a good time to think about how to be indispensable.

Another interesting wrinkle from the oDesk survey: Education alone probably won?t help you get hired. Only 6 percent of the survey respondents rated schooling as a ?very important? reason to hire someone. It was the lowest-rated reason to hire someone. Work experience was first, followed by how other people rated the contractor, pay, portfolio of work, references, and scores on skills tests that oDesk offers online.

In the future, having a degree may be helpful, but having a reputation will be even better.


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Video: Apple crops take a bruising, prices soar

>>> more numbers, apple prices are soaring. for once it's not iphone related. the actual apple crop this year has been hit hard. we had that record warmth in march, then cold in april, that did huge damage to the blossoms. michigan lost 90% of its crop this year. new york 50%. north carolina , canada also hit hard. a farmer's market in cincinnati says they can't find enough apples to sell. prices could spike up $1 a pound.


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Stonehenge scan shows importance of solstice

A cutting-edge laser scan of Stonehenge has shown how Britain's enigmatic neolithic monument was built to enhance the dramatic passage of sunlight through the circle of stones at midsummer and midwinter.

The slabs were intended to appear at their best in the dawn light on the longest day of the year and at sunset on the shortest, the scan for English Heritage found.

The two solstices attract thousands of visitors to Stonehenge, which dates back some 5,000 years.

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The 3-D scan showed the stones to the northeast were carefully "pick-dressed" ? worked to be smoother and neater than the other columns ? creating a more dramatic spectacle from that angle.

Those stones were set where they would be seen first by people approaching the monument from the northeast along the Avenue, a processional route that would have been particularly spectacular at the midwinter sunset.

The scan uncovered 71 new images of axe-heads carved into the surface, doubling the number of known such carvings recorded in Britain. It also showed up damage and graffiti from Georgian and Victorian visitors.

In the 19th century, visitors could hire chisels at the site to hack off their own souvenirs from the stone.

According to the new evidence, the axe-head carvings were made in the Early Bronze Age, around 1,000 years after the first builders got to work at Stonehenge.

The lofty stones were transported some 400 km to the site in around 2,100 BC. Archeologists are still puzzled as to how the stones, weighing up to 45 tonnes, were made to stand upright.

(Editing by Paul Casciato)

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at:


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HIV death rates fall, but disparities remain: study

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - New drug treatments have dramatically improved survival for people infected with HIV, but a new study finds that African Americans and less educated Americans have not seen the same gains as others, suggesting differences in access to available treatments.

"There have been substantial declines in HIV death rates, but not everyone has benefited equally from the drugs that have been available since 1996," said Edgar Simard, the study's lead author and a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta.

The drugs currently used against HIV are collectively known as highly active antiretroviral therapy, or HAART. They help suppress the virus in a person's blood, which helps the immune system stay strong and may delay the onset of AIDS.

But, the authors note in the Archives of Internal Medicine, while HIV fell to 24th leading cause of death for whites, it rose to be the ninth leading cause of death for blacks.

Using data from 26 states, the researchers analyzed rates of deaths attributed to HIV of 91,307 white, black and Hispanic men and women between the ages of 25 and 64 years old.

They also wanted to see how sex, race and socioeconomic status influenced death rates and used education level as a rough proxy for poverty.

Looking at two time periods, 1993 to 1995 and 2005 to 2007 - before and after HAART became available - they found that overall HIV death rates fell for most groups.

The most pronounced declines were in groups that started out with higher death rates in the 1990s.

For example, the most educated black men, with 16 or more years of schooling, saw the greatest decline, from about 118 deaths per 100,000 men in the mid-1990s to about 15 deaths per 100,000 in the mid-2000s.

For the most educated white men, the decline was smaller, but their death rate was lower to start with. It fell from about 26 deaths per 100,000 to about 2 deaths per 100,000.

More sobering statistics, however, were found for the least educated black men and women - those who completed 12 or fewer years of schooling.

Between the two time periods, HIV death rates among the least educated black women remained essentially the same at around 27 to 29 deaths per 100,000 women.

For the least educated black men, rates fell from about 122 deaths per 100,000 to about 53 deaths per 100,000.

Though death rates for the poorest black men fell by more than half, the authors point out, they are still higher than the rates the poorest white men started out with in the 1990s.


Overall, the disparities between the most and least educated people have gotten worse, the researchers write.

The report highlights black men and minority women, especially those who are poor, as the people who are most vulnerable to death from HIV.

That, the researchers say, may be because they don't know they have HIV, don't know about HIV prevention or they don't have access to the healthcare system.

"(The findings) suggest that it's really those that have the least amount of access who are really worst off, and our efforts need to target those people," said Jennifer Kates, vice president and director of global health and HIV policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation in Washington, DC.

Dr. William Cunningham, who wrote an editorial accompanying the study, said there needs to be research dedicated to targeting vulnerable populations to figure out how to get them into treatment and encourage them to stay with it.

"We need the knowledge. We need to know what to do. It's the same approach we use for everything else... We know it works, so we follow it. If we don't know how to change it, then we're just grasping in the dark," Cunningham told Reuters Health.

Kates, who was not involved with the new research, said the tools are available to achieve an AIDS-free generation, but warned there is still a long way to go.

SOURCE: and Archives of Internal Medicine, online October 8, 2012.


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