Saturday, September 22, 2012

Studies more firmly tie sugary drinks to obesity

FILE - This Thursday, May 31, 2012 file photo shows a display of various size soft drink cups next to stacks of sugar cubes at a news conference at New York's City Hall. New research greatly strengthens the case against soda and other sugary drinks as culprits in the obesity epidemic. Two major experiments found that children and teens gained less weight when they regularly drank calorie-free beverages instead of sugary ones. A third study gives the first clear evidence that consuming sugary drinks interacts with genes that affect weight. Scientists say the results add weight to the push for taxes, size limits and other policies to curb consumption. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

FILE - This Thursday, May 31, 2012 file photo shows a display of various size soft drink cups next to stacks of sugar cubes at a news conference at New York's City Hall. New research greatly strengthens the case against soda and other sugary drinks as culprits in the obesity epidemic. Two major experiments found that children and teens gained less weight when they regularly drank calorie-free beverages instead of sugary ones. A third study gives the first clear evidence that consuming sugary drinks interacts with genes that affect weight. Scientists say the results add weight to the push for taxes, size limits and other policies to curb consumption. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

New research powerfully strengthens the case against soda and other sugary drinks as culprits in the obesity epidemic.

A huge, decades-long study involving more than 33,000 Americans has yielded the first clear proof that drinking sugary beverages interacts with genes that affect weight, amplifying a person's risk of obesity beyond what it would be from heredity alone.

This means that such drinks are especially harmful to people with genes that predispose them to weight gain. And most of us have at least some of these genes.

In addition, two other major experiments have found that giving children and teens calorie-free alternatives to the sugary drinks they usually consume leads to less weight gain.

Collectively, the results strongly suggest that sugary drinks cause people to pack on the pounds, independent of other unhealthy behavior such as overeating and getting too little exercise, scientists say.

That adds weight to the push for taxes, portion limits like the one just adopted in New York City, and other policies to curb consumption of soda, juice drinks and sports beverages sweetened with sugar.

Soda lovers do get some good news: Sugar-free drinks did not raise the risk of obesity in these studies.

"You may be able to fool the taste" and satisfy a sweet tooth without paying a price in weight, said an obesity researcher with no role in the studies, Rudy Leibel of Columbia University.

The studies were being presented Friday at an obesity conference in San Antonio and were published online by the New England Journal of Medicine.

The gene research in particular fills a major gap in what we know about obesity. It was a huge undertaking, involving three long-running studies that separately and collectively reached the same conclusions. It shows how behavior combines with heredity to affect how fat we become.

Having many of these genes does not guarantee people will become obese, but if they drink a lot of sugary beverages, "they fulfill that fate," said an expert with no role in the research, Jules Hirsch of Rockefeller University in New York. "The sweet drinking and the fatness are going together, and it's more evident in the genetic predisposition people."

Sugary drinks are the single biggest source of calories in the American diet, and they are increasingly blamed for the fact that a third of U.S. children and teens and more than two-thirds of adults are obese or overweight.

Consumption of sugary drinks and obesity rates have risen in tandem ? both have more than doubled since the 1970s in the U.S.

But that doesn't prove that these drinks cause obesity. Genes, inactivity and eating fatty foods or just too much food also play a role. Also, diet research on children is especially tough because kids are growing and naturally gaining weight.

Until now, high-quality experiments have not conclusively shown that reducing sugary beverages would lower weight or body fat, said David Allison, a biostatistician who has done beverage research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, some of it with industry support.

He said the new studies on children changed his mind and convinced him that limiting sweet drinks can make a difference.

In one study, researchers randomly assigned 224 overweight or obese high schoolers in the Boston area to receive shipments every two weeks of either the sugary drinks they usually consumed or sugar-free alternatives, including bottled water. No efforts were made to change the youngsters' exercise habits or give nutrition advice, and the kids knew what type of beverages they were getting.

After one year, the sugar-free group weighed more than 4 pounds less on average than those who kept drinking sugary beverages.

"I know of no other single food product whose elimination can produce this degree of weight change," said the study's leader, Dr. David Ludwig of Boston Children's Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health.

The weight difference between the two groups narrowed to 2 pounds in the second year of the study, when drinks were no longer being provided. That showed at least some lasting beneficial effect on kids' habits. The study was funded mostly by government grants.

A second study involved 641 normal-weight children ages 4 to 12 in the Netherlands who regularly drank sugar-sweetened beverages. They were randomly assigned to get either a sugary drink or a sugar-free one during morning break at their schools, and were not told what kind they were given.

After 18 months, the sugary-drink group weighed 2 pounds more on average than the other group.

The studies "provide strong impetus" for policies urged by the Institute of Medicine, the American Heart Association and others to limit sugary drink consumption, Dr. Sonia Caprino of the Yale School of Medicine wrote in an editorial in the journal.

The American Beverage Association disagreed.

"Obesity is not uniquely caused by any single food or beverage," it said in a statement. "Studies and opinion pieces that focus solely on sugar-sweetened beverages, or any other single source of calories, do nothing meaningful to help address this serious issue."

The genetic research was part of a much larger set of health studies that have gone on for decades across the U.S., led by the Harvard School of Public Health.

Researchers checked for 32 gene variants that have previously been tied to weight. Because we inherit two copies of each gene, everyone has 64 opportunities for these risk genes. The study participants had 29 on average.

Every four years, these people answered detailed surveys about their eating and drinking habits as well as things like smoking and exercise. Researchers analyzed these over several decades.

A clear pattern emerged: The more sugary drinks someone consumed, the greater the impact of the genes on the person's weight and risk of becoming obese.

For every 10 risk genes someone had, the risk of obesity rose in proportion to how many sweet drinks the person regularly consumed. Overall calorie intake and lifestyle factors such as exercise did not account for the differences researchers saw.

This means that people with genes that predispose them to be obese are more susceptible to the harmful effects of sugary drinks on their weight, said one of the study leaders, Harvard's Dr. Frank Hu. The opposite also was true ? avoiding these drinks can minimize the effect of obesity genes.

"Two bad things can act together and their combined effects are even greater than either effect alone," Hu said. "The flip side of this is everyone has some genetic risk of obesity, but the genetic effects can be offset by healthier beverage choices. It's certainly not our destiny" to be fat, even if we carry genes that raise this risk.

The study was funded mostly by federal grants, with support from two drug companies for the genetic analysis.



Obesity info:

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New England Journal:


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Friday, September 21, 2012

Video: Ann Romney's plane makes emergency landing

>>> and two more quick notes from the romney campaign trail tonight, late today, ann romney 's campaign plane was forced to make an emergency landing in denver after smoke filled the cabin, equipment was standing by. firefighters, as you see, boarded the aircraft. no fire, and all on board were pronounced fine. also today, physicians for both mitt romney and paul ryan released their health summaries. and while there are details to report, both men are considered to be in excellent health and fit to run.


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Louvre Museum unveils Islamic Art wing


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Obama to Latinos: Romney ?uncertain? about immigration reform plans

(Carolyn Kaster/AP)President Barack Obama, under tough questioning at a Univision-hosted forum in Miami on Thursday, defended his failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform during his first term in office.

"My first priority was making sure that we prevented us from going into a Great Depression," Obama said?after Univision host Jorge Ramos bluntly told the president he had failed to keep his promise to pass immigration reform.

"I did not make a promise that I would get everything done, 100 percent," Obama said, adding that the issue remains a "top priority" for his administration.

The president also took a shot at GOP rival Mitt Romney's suggestion that Obama supporters?which Romney estimated to be 47 percent of the country?have a "victim" mentality and are reliant on government handouts.

"When you express an attitude that half the country considers itself victims, that somehow they want to be dependent on government, my thinking is, maybe you haven't gotten around a lot," Obama said, describing Americans as some of "the hardest-working people there are." "People want a hand up, not a handout."

Obama's comments came a day after Romney participated in the first of the Spanish-language network's two forums. The Republican presidential nominee had also come under tough questioning about his immigration policies.

Obama additionally cast blame on congressional Republicans, saying he was "na?ve" to think the opposing party would work with him on the issue. He told Univision he was not "all powerful" and simply didn't have the votes to pass the bill without the support of GOP lawmakers.

"One of my first acts was to invite every single member of Congress who had previously been supportive comprehensive immigration reform to the White House and say to them, 'We need to get this done,'" Obama said. "What I confess I did not expect... is that Republicans who had previously supported comprehensive immigration reform ? suddenly would walk away."

Obama also insisted that his executive action earlier this year that allows young immigrants brought into the country illegally by their parents to obtain work visas without fear of deportation was not politically motivated, as Romney has suggested.

"I was winning the Latino vote before we took that action," Obama said, acknowledging polls that show him leading Romney among Hispanic voters by more than 40 points. And Romney, he said, who has criticized Obama for failing to deliver on immigration reform, is?"uncertain about what his plan for immigration reform would be."

Obama added that "the issue here for voters is whose vision best represents the aspirations not just of the Latino community, but of all Americans who believe that we are a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. And that candidate I believe is talking to you right now."


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Thursday, September 20, 2012

6 Golden Rules of Retail Banking Customer Service ? Rule #6 ...

6 Golden Rules of Retail Banking Customer Service ? Rule #6

RULE #6: Be proactive.

Customer service should not be a reactive exercise. Especially at a time of major upheaval for the retail banking industry ? the J.D. Power and Associates 2012 U.S. Retail Banking Satisfaction report forecasts that banking customer loyalty will continue to decline, and attrition will continue to rise.

According to?Forrester Research, reaching customers before they call-in shows that your organization has its customers? best interests in mind, and it will drive increased customer satisfaction. Additionally, communicating with customers proactively reduces the cost of managing inbound calls and increases customer satisfaction. Reminders about bill payments and card balances, tips about protecting debit or credit card security, or service updates can all be pushed out to consumers.? Doing so creates more than good will; it improves the overall brand experience.

One of our clients had a significant number of calls from cardholders checking the status of pending deposits. We build a solution using outbound calls to notify cardholders of pending deposits, rather than waiting for them to place multiple inbound calls. The result of this outbound notification has been a six percent reduction in calls to the call center.

In conclusion of this blog series: retail banks are facing an uphill battle to retain customers amidst changing financial services trends incited by recent regulations. But bank customers report that their loyalty can be won with exceptional customer service, convenience, elimination of the sources of dissatisfaction and experiences that delight (Bain & Company, Customer loyalty in retail banking Americas 2011). Is your bank doing everything it can to keep customers ? and keep them happy with the 6 Golden Rules of customer service? If not, adopt them right now and ensure your customer experience creates positive effects on your business and the bottom line.


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Tags: banking IVR, credit card security, customer loyalty, Forrester Research, paul logan, retail banking, retail banks


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DoubleX Gabfest: The Mrs. Jesus Edition

Listen to the DoubleX Gabfest with this audio player, or by using one of the other options below:

In this week?s Gabfest, DoubleX managing editor Allison Benedikt joins New Republic staff writer Noreen Malone and DoubleX editor Hanna Rosin to discuss Naomi Wolf?s new book, Vagina: A New Biography, and the onslaught of negative reviews the book has inspired; the recent discovery of a scrap of papyrus from the 4th Century that appears to refer to Jesus? wife; and Mindy Kaling, whose new show, The Mindy Project, premieres on Fox next week.

Other items discussed in the show: ?


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    Meet the Parents (2000): Flood in the Garden

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    The clip Flood in the garden from Meet the Parents (2000) with Jon Abrahams, Ben Stiller. Powered by: Anyclip. any moment from any film. Nice stench. Really on a roll there, bud. Bite me, Denny. In 20 hours there's a wedding here, so I need my cesspool pumped now. Not tomorrow, now! Dad, what's going on? 0h, my God. What's that smell? That smell, Bob, is our shit. Focker made the septic tank overflow. Jack, I told you it wasn't me. It was Jinx. Focker, I'm not gonna tell you again! Jinx cannot flush the toilet! He's a cat, for Christ's sakes! He doesn't have thumbs, Focker! Hey, look at this! Kevo! 0ver by the tree, right? No, no, not on the lawn. Stay where you are! Not on the lawn! Kevin! No, no! No! 0h! No, no! What the heck? I got my mojo working
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    Tags: Meet The Parents Flood In The Garden Jon Abrahams Ben Stiller Anyclip Film Movie Official AnyClip Robert De Niro Nicole DeHuff Thomas McCarthy James Rebhorn Owen Wilson
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    Fool's Garden-Lemon Tree Lyrics

    Fool's Garden-Lemon Tree Lyrics

    It's my first video, so I hope u'll like it, please comment and subscribe.
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    Meet the Parents (2000): Flood in the Garden

    Meet the Parents (2000): Flood in the Garden

    The clip flood in the garden from Meet the Parents (2000) with Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller Did you flush this toilet? Maybe... You know what? Maybe Jinx flushed it. I saw Jinxy come in last night and squat and relieve himself. Jinx knows not to use that toilet. If he did, he'd never flush it. What does it matter? The matter, Greg RN, is when this toilet is flushed, it runs. With a near-full septic tank and toilet running all night, you could have a problem. Mr. Byrnes? This is not part of my job description. Nice stench. Really on a roll there, bud. Bite me, Denny. In 20 hours there's a wedding here, so I need my cesspool pumped now. Not tomorrow, now! Dad, what's going on? 0h, my God. What's that smell? That smell, Bob, is our shit. Focker made the septic tank overflow. Jack, I told you it wasn't me. It was Jinx. Focker, I'm not gonna tell you again! Jinx cannot flush the toilet! He's a cat, for Christ's sakes! He doesn't have thumbs, Focker! Hey, look at this! Kevo! 0ver by the tree, right? No, no, not on the lawn. Stay where you are! Not on the lawn! Kevin! No, no! No! 0h! No, no! What the heck?
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    Tags: Meet The Parents Flood In The Garden Robert De Niro Ben Stiller AnyClip Jon Abrahams Nicole DeHuff Thomas McCarthy James Rebhorn Owen Wilson
    Categories: Entertainment

    K-PAX (2001): Reappear on a Tree

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    Tags: K-PAX (film) Reappear On A Tree Kevin Spacey Jeff Bridges AnyClip
    Categories: Entertainment

    Silent Running (1972): Working in the Garden

    Silent Running (1972): Working in the Garden

    The clip working in the garden from Silent Running (1972) with Bruce Dern The three of us together are gonna plant a tree. Trowel, watering can... .. and the tree. Now, this is the mulch. That's what makes the tree grow. Now. Now, Huey, you're gonna plant the tree... .. and, Dewey, you're gonna dig the ditch. Now, we're gonna do it right here on the side of the hill. That's a real good hole, Dewey. Now,... .. Huey, here's the tree. Put a little mulch. There. OK. Now, plant the tree. That's pitiful. Pitiful! That's exactly the opposite of what it's supposed to be.
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    Tags: Silent Running Working In The Garden Bruce Dern AnyClip
    Categories: Entertainment

    The Tree

    The Tree

    The second feature film from Julie Bertucelli, acclaimed director of Since Otar Left, The Tree stars Award-winning actress Charlotte Gainsbourg, newcomer Morgana Davies, and is based on the much-loved Australian novel, Oh Father Who Art in the Tree by Judy Pascoe. Dawn (Gainsbourg) and Peter live together with their children in the Australian countryside. In the middle of their garden stands the kids' favorite playground : a massive Moreton Bay Fig tree, whose branches reach high towards the sky and roots stretch far into the ground. One day, Peter dies of a heart attack, crashing his car into the tree trunk. Dawn is left alone with her grief and four children to raise. All of them naturally go looking for comfort under their protective tree, which becomes even more present in their lives. The young daughter, Simone (Davies), thinking that her late father whispers to her through the leaves, settles in the tree and refuses to climb down from it. But as the tree is growing unusually big - branches infiltrating the house, roots destroying the foundations, the family will need to make an excruciating decision to be able to go on with their lives... The Tree stars actress and musician Charlotte Gainsbourg whose previous credits include Alejandro Gonz?lez I??rritu?s 21 Grams, Todd Haynes? I?m Not There, Michel Gondry?s The Science of Sleep and Lars Von Trier?s Antichrist, for which she received the Best Actress Award at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival. The Tree will be released in cinemas 5th August 2011
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    Tags: The Tree Drama Charlotte Gainsbourg
    Categories: Entertainment

    Lemon Tree "Fools Garden" "Video Clip Completo"

    Lemon Tree "Fools Garden" "Video Clip Completo"

    No description
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    Tags: Lemons Trees Fools Gardens Video Clips Completo Video Clips Music Look
    Categories: Music & Dance

    Lemon Tree with Lyrics: By Fool's Garden (HD)

    Lemon Tree with Lyrics: By Fool's Garden (HD)

    Lemon Tree with correct lyrics (HD)
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    Tags: Lemon Tree W/lyrics Fools Garden
    Categories: Music & Dance

    Fools Garden - Lemon Tree - Live on French TV

    Fools Garden - Lemon Tree - Live on French TV

    Thousands of others videos : Fools Garden performs their wolrdwide hit "Lemon Tree" live on the french television show of Patrick Sebastien "les ann?es bonheur" (Happy Years)
    Ranked 4.45 / 5 | 3874 views | 0 comments

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    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Fools Gardens Lemons Trees Live On French TV Television Ann?es Bonheur Happy Years Patrick Sebastien S?bastien Concerts
    Categories: Entertainment

    Lemon Tree-Fool`s Garden ( with Lyrics )

    Lemon Tree-Fool`s Garden ( with Lyrics )

    Echt geiles Lied xD
    Ranked 4.43 / 5 | 11564 views | 0 comments

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    Tags: Lemons Trees 1
    Categories: Music & Dance

    Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden by Antonio Pantano (with Lyrics)

    Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden by Antonio Pantano (with Lyrics)

    Download HERE my new album NEBULA RIDERS! or Here is my official facebook page, JOIN EVERYONE!!
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    Tags: Antonio Pantano Urizen80 Lemon Tree Fool's Garden Animation Art Animation Short Anime With Subs Subtitled Tony Pantano Official Video Funny Isolation Yellow Blue Sub Lemon Tree Fools Garden Lemontree
    Categories: Music & Dance

    Bonsai Demonstration - A Garden Juniper Becomes a Bonsai Tree - Part 1

    Bonsai Demonstration - A Garden Juniper Becomes a Bonsai Tree - Part 1

    Graham Potter styles a garden juniper for the first time.
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    Click here to watch the video (08:24)
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    Tags: Bonsai Trees Tree Demo Demonstration Juniper Garden
    Categories: How To

    One More Time (BOYS OVER FLOWERS Soundtrack) by Tree Bicycle

    One More Time (BOYS OVER FLOWERS Soundtrack) by Tree Bicycle

    for the girl who requested this video from the tv series "Boys Over Flowers". enjoy watching :)
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    Click here to watch the video (04:30)
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    Tags: Sukito Boys Over Flowers One More Time Tree Bicycle Jun Pyo Jan Di Sukitosan Meteor Garden Hana Yori Dango Sukito2k9
    Categories: Music & Dance

    Fools Garden - Refreshing Green - Lemon Tree - DJ M4GiC Remix

    Fools Garden - Refreshing Green - Lemon Tree - DJ M4GiC Remix

    New Remix of Fools Gardens Lemontree! For best sound watch it in HQ! If you like it, please subscribe! Send me a message, if you want the .mp3! Pls rate & comment! Enjoy! ? 2009 DJ M4GiC
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    Tags: Fools Garden Lemontree Lemon Yellow Tree Remix 90s Mp3 DJ M4gic Piano Violin Beat Orchestral Techno Music Version Rmx Mix FL Studio Fruity Loops 2009 HQ
    Categories: Music & Dance

    Plants Vs Zombies - 1000ft Tall Tree of Wisdom

    Plants Vs Zombies - 1000ft Tall Tree of Wisdom

    After i spent so much time gathering money, i finally grew my tree of wisdom to the ridiculous height of 1000 feet. It took me tree+garden.500.000 gold in tree food, a huge amount. The moment was epic, I was expecting him to tell me why we were here, or where we came from, or maybe why is John Travolta still acting. But instead he told me the ultimate game code for plants vs zombies: "pinata", which makes rain of candies fall from the sky when a zombie dies.
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    Tags: Plants Vs Zombies Tree Of Wisdom Tall 500ft 500 Ft Cheat Code Codes Survival Endless Mini Game Puzzle Zen Garden Tower Defense Gaming Cheats Yeti Zombie Easter Egg
    Categories: Video Games

    Yoko Ono's Wish Tree & Garden-Pasadena-Part 3-Unique News

    Yoko Ono's Wish Tree & Garden-Pasadena-Part 3-Unique News

    The on-going story of Yoko Ono's Wish Tree For Pasadena from August to November 2008 continues with the creation of Wish Tree Garden. Over 90,000 wishes were collected for a time capsule at the John Lennon Memorial Peace Tower.
    Ranked 4.83 / 5 | 355 views | 0 comments

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    Submitted By: Niswander
    Tags: Yoko Ono Wish Trees John Lennon Pasadena Imagine Peace Niswander Armoryarts Onecolorado Gardens
    Categories: Entertainment

    Lemon Tree Fools Garden

    Lemon Tree Fools Garden

    Comment, rate & subcribe (: Thank you ! :3 Yeees... I know I made a mistake at 2:32 ;D It's "another" not "yellow". (;
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    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Lemons Trees Lemontree Fools Gardens With Lyrics Karaoke Songtext Songs Music CrazyLittleGirl1995 Singing Alone
    Categories: Music & Dance

    Fools Garden - Lemon Tree (Live!)

    Fools Garden - Lemon Tree (Live!)

    Live in concert!
    Ranked 4.44 / 5 | 7243 views | 0 comments

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    Tags: Fools Gardens Lemons Trees Live
    Categories: Music & Dance

    Fool's Garden - Lemon Tree

    Fool's Garden - Lemon Tree

    Favorit Video of this band
    Ranked 4.37 / 5 | 41803 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (03:12)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Fools Gardens Lemons Trees
    Categories: Music & Dance



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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Video: Dennis Gartman on Gold: 'Don't Fade It'

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Taiwan opposition wants premier sacked for economy

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) ? Taiwan's main opposition party on Tuesday called for the ouster of the island's premier and blamed the government for mismanaging the economy.

But analysts say there may be no quick fix for the economy unless the global recovery picks up steam.

The Democratic Progressive Party's push for a no-confidence vote in the legislature on Friday against Premier Sean Chen comes as Taiwan's economic growth shrank 0.2 percent in the April-June period, the first quarterly contraction since 2009.

The government expects the 2012 growth to be just above 1 percent, down from last year's 4 percent.

The vote is tentatively set for Friday but will unlikely be passed since the legislature is controlled by the ruling Nationalists. Still, the move could pressure the government into finding ways to boost the economy as exports ? the engine of growth ? have declined for months amid weakening foreign demand.

"The government has failed to handle the economy, nor does it feel people's pain," DPP lawmaker Ker Chien-ming said, adding Taiwanese are waiting to be lifted "out of their desperation."

Looking at its key economic indicators, Taiwan's problems may appear modest. Its jobless rate stood at 4.3 percent, down from over 6 percent in 2009 amid the global financial crisis. The government projects 2012 inflation at below 2 percent.

But even ruling party lawmakers have called attention to the poor employment picture, noting that many new college graduates failed to find jobs or took up low-paying manual work.

A graduate from an elite Taiwanese university grabbed headlines for taking up a job at a slaughterhouse in Australia because of the higher pay.

Taiwan's average monthly salary stands at 34,000 New Taiwan dollars ($1,150), unchanged from 1998, according to government figures.

Lawmakers say educated professionals such as engineers are leaving the island to find higher-paying jobs in places like Singapore, Hong Kong and mainland China.

The Cabinet won some applause when it announced Monday that it will suspend a planned electricity rate hike ? the second in six months. The hike was meant to resolve the mounting debts of the state-run power company, which has long subsidized power bills.

The government hopes to attract Taiwanese investors to return from the mainland to set up factories at home. The government says it will provide incentives such as relaxing regulations regarding the hiring of cheaper foreign labor.

Yang Chia-yen, an economist with the Taiwan Institute for Economic Research, said that leading Taiwanese companies, such as iPhone-maker Foxconn Technology Group, are unlikely to shut down their immense mainland operations despite China's soaring labor costs over the past year.

"The whole supply chains have long moved to the mainland, and the big companies will likely speed up their automation there instead of moving back to Taiwan or elsewhere," Yang said.

Taiwanese have invested more than $120 billion in the mainland over the past three decades.


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$7 million in gold found in dead man's home

The Appeal via Nevada DMV

By Isolde Raftery, NBC News

When Walter Samaszko Jr. died at his home in Carson City, Nev., he had $200 in a bank account. But as officials later discovered, Samaszko had about $7 million stored neatly around his home, the Nevada Appeal reported.

In late June, neighbors called authorities because of a smell emanating from Samaszko?s home. He was a recluse who had told them he hated the government and feared getting shots, but still, it had been a while since they had seen him, according to the Appeal.

According to the coroner, Samaszko, 69, had been dead for at least a month. He died of heart problems, the Las Vegas Sun reported.

In came the cleanup crews, which?discovered boxes of gold in the garage.

?At that point, we took the house apart,? said Carson City clerk-recorder Alan Glover.

They found gold coins and bullion, tiny dos-pesos, $20 gold pieces, Austrian ducats, Kruggerrands and English Sovereigns dating? to the 1840s ? enough gold to fill two wheelbarrows.

Samaszko and his mother had lived in the three-bedroom home since the 1970s, which is around the time they started collecting gold. Glover told the Appeal that the two kept detailed records of the gold they had purchased.

As for who can lay claim to the riches -- Glover said the Internal Revenue Service will take a sizable amount in taxes -- about $750,000 -- and that the rest will likely go to a first cousin, a substitute teacher in San Rafael, Calif., who is Samaszko's only relative as far as authorities can tell.

The Las Vegas Sun reported that Glover's office found her using a list of people who had attended Samaszko's mother's funeral.

Samaszko's home is currently for sale for $105,000.

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Macy's NYC flagship getting $400M makeover

In this undated artist rendering by and provided by Macy?s shows the expected design for the women?s shoe department once renovations are completed. Macy?s New York flagship store is being transformed from old-fashioned, warm and fuzzy to a sleek, white 21st century style. The transformation will cost $400 million and is expected to take four years. (AP Photo/Macy?s)

In this undated artist rendering by and provided by Macy?s shows the expected design for the women?s shoe department once renovations are completed. Macy?s New York flagship store is being transformed from old-fashioned, warm and fuzzy to a sleek, white 21st century style. The transformation will cost $400 million and is expected to take four years. (AP Photo/Macy?s)

FILE- In this Dec. 11, 1931 file photo, shoppers fill the ground floor at Macy?s in New York. A $400 million makeover is giving New York?s iconic Macy's store a sleek, new 21st century style. (AP Photo/File)

This Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012 photo shows the newly-renovated fine jewelry department at the Macy's flagship store in New York's Herald Square. A $400 million makeover is giving New York?s iconic Macy's store a sleek, new 21st century style. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

This Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012 photo shows the newly-renovated Herald Square cafe at the Macy's flagship store in New York's Herald Square. A $400 million makeover is giving New York?s iconic Macy's store a sleek, new 21st century style. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

This Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012 photo shows the newly-renovated shoe department at the Macy's flagship store in New York's Herald Square. A $400 million makeover is giving New York?s iconic Macy's store a sleek, new 21st century style. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

(AP) ? A $400 million makeover is giving New York's iconic Macy's store a sleek, new 21st-century style.

And some preservationists aren't happy about it. They see the overhaul of America's biggest department store as scrapping classic Beaux Arts and Art Deco touches in favor of the latest trend in retail design ? something like an Apple computer store.

"Macy's has Apple fever," said Theodore Grunewald, a New York preservation activist. "Everyone is jealous of Apple, and thinks the secret to the company's success is this beautiful, elegant minimalist design vocabulary they have. But this is about protection of our heritage."

Macy's reconstruction, to be completed in 2015, will add 100,000 square feet to the 1.1 million square feet of existing retail space. Floor-to-ceiling fabric shrouds areas under renovation. But some sections already have been finished, including the world's largest women's shoe department, which offers 280,000 pairs of shoes ? several thousand displayed in white settings.

Macy's spokeswoman Elina Kazan gushes that the store will be a "spectacular place to shop at an iconic New York City destination."

About 20 million shoppers a year visit Ohio-based Macy's flagship store. The building has nine floors of retail space and covers nearly an entire city block, from West 34th Street to West 35th Street, between Seventh Avenue and Broadway.

It is best known as home of the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and as the setting that inspired the beloved 1947 Christmas film, "Miracle on 34th Street."

Originally constructed in 1902 in the Beaux Arts style, it was expanded in the 1930s with plenty of Art Deco details. Most noticeable was a jazzy, geometric coating of marble, encasing more than 100 columns that soar to the ceilings.

Grunewald said the columns will now be simplified, losing the marble and the ornamental toppings that give the space "its pizazz."

While Macy's has been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1978, it has not been given landmark designation, allowing its owners to make architectural changes.

"I was stunned they were doing this, making it look like everywhere else in America when they have a little treasure here," said preservationist Christabel Gough of the Society for the Architecture of the City.

Macy's officials said it was premature to compare the renovation to Apple since it is still a work in progress. They said, too, that the plan actually revives some of the building's distinctive features.

Originally, the interior street floor "was one great retail hall, and Macy's asked us to bring it back as one grand space," said Jay Valgora, chief architect for the renovation. "Macy's asked us to bring back the grandeur of the original store, and whenever there's true historic fabric, to restore it."

Also, the original, ornate entrance on 34th Street will return, and some huge old windows that were painted over have been opened again, lighting a new chocolate-and-champagne cafe. Forty-two of the store's original wooden escalators will stay.

Valgora said the old and the new Macy's will "complement each other" in the same light-filled venue.

"I like it ? how organized and open it is," said Rosie Pina, a Manhattan schoolteacher. "Change is good."

Brian Williams, a sports club technician from Queens, joked, "I'm a male, and I don't really care how it looks when I'm shopping."

But standing by the jewelry area near some aging, cream-colored pillars and looking over at a gleaming, snow-white new section, he added: "I like the older better ? it feels warmer, more at home."

Associated Press


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Meritor Introduces New ELSA 225H and 225L - Business Review ...

HANNOVER, Germany, Sept. 17, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --?Meritor, Inc. (NYSE: MTOR) today introduced two additions to the top-selling European disc brake family ? the ELSA 225H and ELSA 225L ? at the IAA Hannover Commercial Vehicle Show. The optimized ELSA 225H offers interchangeability with industry standard brakes and the additional benefit of performance upgraded to 30kNm at a lighter weight. The new ELSA 225L is designed to be a lighter weight alternative product for 25kNm applications.

Additionally, Meritor announced improvements to the existing ELSA family. The extended family of brakes broadens Meritor's ability to offer more optimized products for every vocation. The evolution of field-proven ELSA brakes now offers additional benefits including:

  • Lighter weight than previous models that led the segment
    • ELSA 225H weighs 37kg including pads
    • ELSA 225L weighs 34kg including pads
  • High stiffness structure for low air consumption
  • Improved life and durability for lower total cost of ownership
  • Increased performance with torque ratings up to 30 kNm
  • Greater range of air chamber installation angles
  • Standard, globalized design and production specifications to assure consistent product quality at all localized manufacturing locations

Meritor's European brake team, based in Cwmbran, Wales, put the brakes through a rigorous testing program in the German Alps this year. Trucks from all major European OEMs were driven for two weeks in difficult environments. The performance of the brakes were measured as part of the validation.

"Our brakes performed extremely well in a variety of conditions and met the expectations of our customers," said Dietmar Knoop, director, Engineering, Europe, Meritor. A video of the testing can be seen by this year's attendees at Meritor's IAA booth.

The test route descended more than 1,000 meters with minimum engine braking, pushing rotor temperatures beyond 950 degrees Celsius. Several combinations of rotor and pad were used and each descent was completed safely under all conditions

The ELSA family of brakes utilizes modular construction, which means the internal mechanisms can be matched with a series of validated bridges and carriers to suit any wheel/axle combination. Bridges and carriers are also available for application on wheels and hubs for U.S.-built axles and vehicles.

"The ELSA family of braking products is the strongest, most robust and reliable that we have developed in the 30 years that Meritor has been manufacturing air disc brakes," Knoop said. "Most importantly, this development adds weight-optimized variants for increased fuel economy."

About Meritor, Inc.
Meritor, Inc. is a leading global supplier of drivetrain, mobility, braking and aftermarket solutions for commercial vehicle and industrial markets.?With more than a 100-year legacy of providing innovative products that offer superior performance, efficiency and reliability, the company serves commercial truck, trailer, off-highway, defense, specialty and aftermarket customers in more than 70 countries. Meritor is based in Troy, Mich., United States, and is made up of more than 10,000 diverse employees who apply their knowledge and skills in manufacturing facilities, engineering centers, joint ventures, distribution centers and global offices in 19 countries. Common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol MTOR. For important information, visit the company's website at

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SOURCE Meritor, Inc.


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